Saturday, April 10, 2010

European Misadventure Take 1: Paris

Spring break: Day 1

Paris. Hmm....I think Paris was just doomed to be my least favorite city of the four we have traveled from the start.

1. It was cold and raining.
2. Everything was super-expensive!
3. Public transportation = no for above reason, so we walked MILES.
4. Food. Gross.

We left on April 2nd and had to spend the night in the airport in London because our flight in was late and our flight to Paris was big though. The London airport is nice. Then we flew into Paris and the train was more expensive than what we had thought. Dislike. Also, it was almost as cold as it had been in Edinburgh! We found our hotel relatively easy though and stowed our luggage and set out to explore Paris with our trusty map. The plan was, after we had checked in later, to go to Easter Vigil Mass at Notre Dame.


You can't do that because they close it to the public at that time. Also, it poured as we were walking there. So we decided to go to the Eiffel Tower. Sooooo pretty. We walked along the river, which was nice and I really liked the Eiffel Tower. Then we went to the Arc de Triomphe. Bad. It rained....again. And again. And we were tired and hungry. Fail x 8. We stopped at this Chinese restaurant on the way back cause it was one of the few open and the lady was quite rude and the food was gross. So we went to McD's afterwards instead. Ha. We win.

On Easter we went back to Notre Dame, where we caught the end of Mass and took lots and lots of pics. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Then we tried to go to The Louvre, but the first Sunday of the month is free to the public and everyone was taking advantage of that fact. They weren't allowing anymore people in by the time we got there. Lucky for us though because as we were walking out of the courtyard, it started hailing! At first it was just doing its stupid kinda rain thing and then it was getting harder. I looked at Tricia and said "Ouch. This rain hurts." And she said, "It's like hail. it hailing?" And it we ran under an arch till it stopped hailing (but it continued to way). Then we got some food from a little shop because everything was closed cause it was Easter and spent the night watching French TV in our room.

Then we had to get up at 3:00 a.m. to catch a taxi (gross...expensive) to the airport for our early flight out.

Au revoir Paris!

Monday, March 8, 2010


To Whomever It May Concern:


So....I have been here for approximately 60-ish days thus far. It's.....alright.

I did have a great time in my Study of Food and Wine class earlier. We tasted 5 different wines and then had to taste them with food. And then, of course, we couldn't let any of the wine go to waste.....:)

The weather has topped off here in Scotland and that's nice. I must say, it's much easier to face each day when there is a possibility of seeing the sun. I never realized before how much I depend on seeing it. I guess that means I'm not going to be moving to Greenland anytime soon!

I am ready to come home though. I miss it a lot more than I ever expected to. They don't really tell you things like that in Study Abroad. They just yell about all the great things. Hey, guess can be kinda sad. They should tell you that.

However, only 3 weeks and 2 days until we leave for Spring Break and I doubt anyone at home gets to go on quite such a spectacular trip!

I hope everyone's enjoying their Spring Break!

See ya soon!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Hola! Coma estes? Muy bien!

Dear Barcelona and/or Spain,

I adore you. You are, without question, my favorite.

Although our trip started off a bit rocky, it was worth every single hour of flight delays, every wasted hostel euro, and the blisters on my feet.

When we finally touched down on your gracious land at 2:30 a.m. (2 1/2 hours after the last bus to Barcelona from Girona had left), I didn't care that we had just waited for four hours on the plane before leaving Edinburgh because the French air people were striking or that we had missed that last bus to Barcelona. I was just happy to be standing in the delicious, brisk 50 degree air where no rain pelted my body as it had been in Edinburgh.

Yes, we did have to attempt to sleep in the airport, which at Girona means on the floor. Yes, I did only get approximately two hours of sleep Thursday night, but the next morning, when the sun rose and and the brilliant blue sky lit up against the dark mountains and green terrain, I still fell in love.

And ah! Barcelona! You are beautiful without a doubt...old buildings mixed with terraced apartments, wide streets, and charming food shops! Bright colors line your streets and charming roads takes one to amazing places...sigh. To be back there now, in the warmth....

I will visit you again, lovely place. This is a promise.

Till then I am forever yours,

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Library at MSU

Dear Missouri State Library,

I love you.

I know in the past we've had our differences, particularly in Fall 2008 during "The Great English Debacle of My Freshman Year." However, my feelings towards you have improved immensely and I now adore you.

I have officially seen three college libraries now and know that you are - by far - the absolute best: the best organized, the most easily available, and the only one which can be accessed from across the Atlantic Ocean and still help me write my paper for a class in another university.

Yes, this is why I am paying homage to you MSU Library. Your indexes and databases collection online with extensive full-text articles has saved my life. Here I was, sitting in silly Scotland where nothing full-text is online for my easy enjoyment and needful paper-writing, and I logged on to your beautiful server and was able to find thousands of the academic articles and essays I needed to write my food and wine pairing paper.

And because you are so amazing, you don't stop at EBSCOhost. No. You have an entire database called the "Culinary Arts Collection."

Can we get married?

Lovingly yours,

Friday, February 12, 2010

My Box!!!!

Dear Mom and Dad,

Thank you soooooooo much for my box of American goodness. I almost cried tears of joy. My box was the highlight of my week!

Although, currently I have a bit of a problem. It is called "rationing." See...I'm not sure I know what that word means really - as in - hmm...I can't eat ALL of my food now because I will not be getting anything else from the States until my lovely self returns there in person in May. Therefore - rationing. defines a ration as

1. a fixed allowance of provisions or food, esp. for soldiers or sailors or civilians during a shortage
2. an allotted amount

Hmm....I suppose this means I can't ONLY eat orange slices and Sweetarts and Lipton rice meals for the next week. Boo....Oh well. It'll be better in the long run.

Thanks again!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Superbowl and American Sports in Scotland

Dear Scotland's Pubs (especially the Golf Tavern),

Thank you Golf Tavern for showing the Superbowl on TV. I cannot watch it on my computer as I cannot pick up any sort of American websites with video and it was nice to do something completely American for once.

I will not lie though. It did make me sad. Silly American Superbowl...they just didn't do you justice here in the UK. There were no cool commercials...or funny beer ads...or hot wings. Just a lot of drunken Scottish people who don't really know what's going on...but that's ok. I appreciate the effort. (Ps. The game was bangin'!!! Go Saints!)

As far as for other sports really need to get to crackin' on something other than your "futbol." I don't even know if that's how you spell it. Maybe you spell it like ours - football. Anyway...the point is - I'm sorry I do not like soccer, but I don't. I could really use some basketball in my life. I won't even be picky and say Kentucky basketball because I know that is pushing it. But I know - I know! - you can at least give me a little NBA. And...yea....I am definitely going to need you to get me some March Madness real quick. I cannot do this not knowing who's winning what games during March Madness. It's just not gonna fly. on that. And we'll keep in touch. :)


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

An Ode to Nutella

Oh Nutella,
How you add to my thighs.
Your glistening chocolate color
Makes me break out in sighs.

I am afraid that,
My love has become an addiction.
It really is not okay,
Even though you have some nutrition.

It might only be 200 cal
To eat a spoon of you
But really, that's not a lot
And makes me say boo.

Because just a spoon of Nutella
Is not quite enough
To not eat the whole jar
Is really, really tough.

That is why, Nutella,
We must get a divorce.
My body really hates you
And is full of remorse.

Goodbye Nutella. least until Saturday.
I can't say no to you then,
Because it's your official holiday.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Scottish Clubs and My Hatred for Techno Music

Dear "The Hive" and/or other Scottish clubs,

Guess what...

Techno music is not good. In fact, it is not even okay. It should die a death that takes longer than the famed Dance of the Seven Veils. It should jump off Mount Kilamajaro and never come back.

Would you like to know what happens when techno music starts playing at a Scottish club...?

50-ish badly dressed Scottishy people start jumping around and yelling "Whoo!" at random intervals that everyone seems to know....maybe it's like the Scottish traditional dance thing - when they are in elementary school, they not only learn the traditional dances, they also learn when to "Whoo!" at the appropriate time. What a handy skill to have. How jealous I am.


Have I mentioned that I hate techno music?

I think they invented techno music to make white people feel good about themselves. Yes. This must be it. I am sad that they play it so much in Europe. I just don't understand how you dance to techno music. People just jump around. That personally just makes me tired and hurts my feet.

On the plus side, Tricia (my flatmate!) and I have 1 1/2 jars of Nutella (the real kind...not even off-brand - watch out), so that makes me feel better.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Asda....and Scottish food.

Dear Asda a.k.a. The Walmart of Scotland,

Thank you for bringing the convenience of the United States to Scotland. Every time I walk in your overly bright interior, a sigh of contentment escapes my lips. Where else can I feel barraged by too many products and large signs proclaiming how much I will save right now!?

However, I do have a few complaints, Asda. Where are the broken carts? The ones that veer dangerously to the left...that you have to struggle with not to hit the little old lady who is moving at her own sluggishly old pace? These carts provide me with hours of entertainment. Also, where is the seasonal aisle? How am I supposed to know what holiday is coming up in 2 months? This is a problem.

It's okay though. I am making do. At least you are 24/7 in a country where all the shops close at 6 p.m. on a good day. Although I never get to make those 2:00 a.m. Oreo runs like I did in Springfield...for one thing, it is a 20 minute bus ride to you, and the stupid bus company charges extra for night buses. That is stupid, but not your fault, my lovely corporation-based store.

Ps. You should get more Pop-Tart varieties. Two varieties is not gonna cut it. Also, more brownie mixes. I'm from the land of convenience and variety; I need more than one kind of brownie mix that costs 2 pounds.

Anyway, despite your faults, I do love you. Thank you for being in my life.

Rachel Spears

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Buses don't make for classes on time...

I've learned two valuable lessons today and they are:

  1. Doublecheck your schedule the day of your classes to make sure you know the times for sure.
  2. Having to ride a bus to class means it's impossible to get to class on time if you're running late.

Here's what happened...

I woke up this morning about 11-ish and was like "Yea, I've got some time before my 1 o'clock class." I took my time eating some oatmeal and a clementine and then got dressed while I was watching BBC for class. So it's about 12:05 and I decide to check out what room I'm in and I realize that CLASS STARTED AT 12:00. Such a problem.

I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door, yelling to my flatmate that I'd be back later. I practically run to the bus stop but guess what...the bus doesn't come for another eight minutes. Luckily it was that short. It finally came, but it was still a 15-ish minute bus ride. What that means is that at MSU realizing that class started five minutes ago would have gotten me there 15 minutes late at the latest. Realizing that class started five minutes ago in Edinburgh got me to class 30 minutes late, just in time for the last 15 minutes of lecture.

Guess I learned my lesson.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

About to Start Classes

So I'm finally going to be starting classes this week...well...kinda.

School here is different. Very different.

I'm probably going to be in class only about 9 hours a week here. I have one part of class on Monday (I think...I'm still a little confused about the Lecture, Tutorial, Practical class parts thing), about 2 classes on Tuesday, class from 1-3 on Wednesday, and class from 12-1 on Thursday. That's it. I think I might just like this.

Basically that means I get to stay up late and Skype with everyone. Or party....just kidding. Kinda. People go out a lot here. Pubs are always open. In fact, tonight I got invited to go to a club. On a Sunday. I was like "What...? They're open?" and politely declined, mostly so I could write this lovely blog.

Ok, that was a lie. I just didn't want to go, but whoever is reading this still benefits.

Scotland is b-e-a-utiful, btws. You should go look at the pics on Facebook...There is also pics of my lovely sparsely furnished flat.

I miss TV and American smells....and you. :)

Love you all!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I just wrote a complete blog out about how my luggage was lost and I had no heat or Internet or money and it all disappeared. I am angry.

Add skype. Get a webcam. Appreciate convenience because 24 hours is a phrase you only hear when talking about Asda (the Walmart of Scotland, where I almost cried from happiness at when I went there).

Be prepared to see me super-skinny when I get back because the dollar sucks and everything is expensive and therefore, buying lots of junk food like back at home is out of the question. This, however, is a good healthy thing.

I love you all! I'm not kidding about the skype thing!

Ps. If you would eventually, potentially like some mail from me, drop your address somewhere - an fb message or whatever. :)