Saturday, January 30, 2010

Scottish Clubs and My Hatred for Techno Music

Dear "The Hive" and/or other Scottish clubs,

Guess what...

Techno music is not good. In fact, it is not even okay. It should die a death that takes longer than the famed Dance of the Seven Veils. It should jump off Mount Kilamajaro and never come back.

Would you like to know what happens when techno music starts playing at a Scottish club...?

50-ish badly dressed Scottishy people start jumping around and yelling "Whoo!" at random intervals that everyone seems to know....maybe it's like the Scottish traditional dance thing - when they are in elementary school, they not only learn the traditional dances, they also learn when to "Whoo!" at the appropriate time. What a handy skill to have. How jealous I am.


Have I mentioned that I hate techno music?

I think they invented techno music to make white people feel good about themselves. Yes. This must be it. I am sad that they play it so much in Europe. I just don't understand how you dance to techno music. People just jump around. That personally just makes me tired and hurts my feet.

On the plus side, Tricia (my flatmate!) and I have 1 1/2 jars of Nutella (the real kind...not even off-brand - watch out), so that makes me feel better.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Asda....and Scottish food.

Dear Asda a.k.a. The Walmart of Scotland,

Thank you for bringing the convenience of the United States to Scotland. Every time I walk in your overly bright interior, a sigh of contentment escapes my lips. Where else can I feel barraged by too many products and large signs proclaiming how much I will save right now!?

However, I do have a few complaints, Asda. Where are the broken carts? The ones that veer dangerously to the left...that you have to struggle with not to hit the little old lady who is moving at her own sluggishly old pace? These carts provide me with hours of entertainment. Also, where is the seasonal aisle? How am I supposed to know what holiday is coming up in 2 months? This is a problem.

It's okay though. I am making do. At least you are 24/7 in a country where all the shops close at 6 p.m. on a good day. Although I never get to make those 2:00 a.m. Oreo runs like I did in Springfield...for one thing, it is a 20 minute bus ride to you, and the stupid bus company charges extra for night buses. That is stupid, but not your fault, my lovely corporation-based store.

Ps. You should get more Pop-Tart varieties. Two varieties is not gonna cut it. Also, more brownie mixes. I'm from the land of convenience and variety; I need more than one kind of brownie mix that costs 2 pounds.

Anyway, despite your faults, I do love you. Thank you for being in my life.

Rachel Spears

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Buses don't make for classes on time...

I've learned two valuable lessons today and they are:

  1. Doublecheck your schedule the day of your classes to make sure you know the times for sure.
  2. Having to ride a bus to class means it's impossible to get to class on time if you're running late.

Here's what happened...

I woke up this morning about 11-ish and was like "Yea, I've got some time before my 1 o'clock class." I took my time eating some oatmeal and a clementine and then got dressed while I was watching BBC for class. So it's about 12:05 and I decide to check out what room I'm in and I realize that CLASS STARTED AT 12:00. Such a problem.

I grabbed my stuff and ran out the door, yelling to my flatmate that I'd be back later. I practically run to the bus stop but guess what...the bus doesn't come for another eight minutes. Luckily it was that short. It finally came, but it was still a 15-ish minute bus ride. What that means is that at MSU realizing that class started five minutes ago would have gotten me there 15 minutes late at the latest. Realizing that class started five minutes ago in Edinburgh got me to class 30 minutes late, just in time for the last 15 minutes of lecture.

Guess I learned my lesson.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

About to Start Classes

So I'm finally going to be starting classes this week...well...kinda.

School here is different. Very different.

I'm probably going to be in class only about 9 hours a week here. I have one part of class on Monday (I think...I'm still a little confused about the Lecture, Tutorial, Practical class parts thing), about 2 classes on Tuesday, class from 1-3 on Wednesday, and class from 12-1 on Thursday. That's it. I think I might just like this.

Basically that means I get to stay up late and Skype with everyone. Or party....just kidding. Kinda. People go out a lot here. Pubs are always open. In fact, tonight I got invited to go to a club. On a Sunday. I was like "What...? They're open?" and politely declined, mostly so I could write this lovely blog.

Ok, that was a lie. I just didn't want to go, but whoever is reading this still benefits.

Scotland is b-e-a-utiful, btws. You should go look at the pics on Facebook...There is also pics of my lovely sparsely furnished flat.

I miss TV and American smells....and you. :)

Love you all!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I just wrote a complete blog out about how my luggage was lost and I had no heat or Internet or money and it all disappeared. I am angry.

Add skype. Get a webcam. Appreciate convenience because 24 hours is a phrase you only hear when talking about Asda (the Walmart of Scotland, where I almost cried from happiness at when I went there).

Be prepared to see me super-skinny when I get back because the dollar sucks and everything is expensive and therefore, buying lots of junk food like back at home is out of the question. This, however, is a good healthy thing.

I love you all! I'm not kidding about the skype thing!

Ps. If you would eventually, potentially like some mail from me, drop your address somewhere - an fb message or whatever. :)