Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Library at MSU

Dear Missouri State Library,

I love you.

I know in the past we've had our differences, particularly in Fall 2008 during "The Great English Debacle of My Freshman Year." However, my feelings towards you have improved immensely and I now adore you.

I have officially seen three college libraries now and know that you are - by far - the absolute best: the best organized, the most easily available, and the only one which can be accessed from across the Atlantic Ocean and still help me write my paper for a class in another university.

Yes, this is why I am paying homage to you MSU Library. Your indexes and databases collection online with extensive full-text articles has saved my life. Here I was, sitting in silly Scotland where nothing full-text is online for my easy enjoyment and needful paper-writing, and I logged on to your beautiful server and was able to find thousands of the academic articles and essays I needed to write my food and wine pairing paper.

And because you are so amazing, you don't stop at EBSCOhost. No. You have an entire database called the "Culinary Arts Collection."

Can we get married?

Lovingly yours,

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