Sunday, January 17, 2010

About to Start Classes

So I'm finally going to be starting classes this week...well...kinda.

School here is different. Very different.

I'm probably going to be in class only about 9 hours a week here. I have one part of class on Monday (I think...I'm still a little confused about the Lecture, Tutorial, Practical class parts thing), about 2 classes on Tuesday, class from 1-3 on Wednesday, and class from 12-1 on Thursday. That's it. I think I might just like this.

Basically that means I get to stay up late and Skype with everyone. Or party....just kidding. Kinda. People go out a lot here. Pubs are always open. In fact, tonight I got invited to go to a club. On a Sunday. I was like "What...? They're open?" and politely declined, mostly so I could write this lovely blog.

Ok, that was a lie. I just didn't want to go, but whoever is reading this still benefits.

Scotland is b-e-a-utiful, btws. You should go look at the pics on Facebook...There is also pics of my lovely sparsely furnished flat.

I miss TV and American smells....and you. :)

Love you all!

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