Saturday, April 10, 2010

European Misadventure Take 1: Paris

Spring break: Day 1

Paris. Hmm....I think Paris was just doomed to be my least favorite city of the four we have traveled from the start.

1. It was cold and raining.
2. Everything was super-expensive!
3. Public transportation = no for above reason, so we walked MILES.
4. Food. Gross.

We left on April 2nd and had to spend the night in the airport in London because our flight in was late and our flight to Paris was big though. The London airport is nice. Then we flew into Paris and the train was more expensive than what we had thought. Dislike. Also, it was almost as cold as it had been in Edinburgh! We found our hotel relatively easy though and stowed our luggage and set out to explore Paris with our trusty map. The plan was, after we had checked in later, to go to Easter Vigil Mass at Notre Dame.


You can't do that because they close it to the public at that time. Also, it poured as we were walking there. So we decided to go to the Eiffel Tower. Sooooo pretty. We walked along the river, which was nice and I really liked the Eiffel Tower. Then we went to the Arc de Triomphe. Bad. It rained....again. And again. And we were tired and hungry. Fail x 8. We stopped at this Chinese restaurant on the way back cause it was one of the few open and the lady was quite rude and the food was gross. So we went to McD's afterwards instead. Ha. We win.

On Easter we went back to Notre Dame, where we caught the end of Mass and took lots and lots of pics. It was breathtakingly beautiful. Then we tried to go to The Louvre, but the first Sunday of the month is free to the public and everyone was taking advantage of that fact. They weren't allowing anymore people in by the time we got there. Lucky for us though because as we were walking out of the courtyard, it started hailing! At first it was just doing its stupid kinda rain thing and then it was getting harder. I looked at Tricia and said "Ouch. This rain hurts." And she said, "It's like hail. it hailing?" And it we ran under an arch till it stopped hailing (but it continued to way). Then we got some food from a little shop because everything was closed cause it was Easter and spent the night watching French TV in our room.

Then we had to get up at 3:00 a.m. to catch a taxi (gross...expensive) to the airport for our early flight out.

Au revoir Paris!